
Retail - Lead Generation Whitepaper

Retail Lead Generation WhitepaperThe Challenge

80% of online budget currently spent on affliate marketing with CPA/revenue share programme but still need to find additional marketing channels to drive additional sales growth

The Solution (Synopsis)


The key characteristics of the target market are established and the criteria used to build contact forms that will deliver consumers that look like the existing customer base rather than recruit generic shoppers who could be anything from an M&S or Poundland profile! The budget and cost per lead are calculated from the required average spend per customer. Consumers are invited to sign up to an email newsletter with an exclusive incentive which could be...

The full version of this report covers:

  • Use of lead generation questioning to deliver the right profile
  • Lead scoring to extract the correct profile and suppress out-of-profile leads
  • How to use real-time segmentation to offer the right message to the right consumer group
  • Scheduling the best contact strategy from trigger to event based messaging

If you are an advertiser in the Retail sector, please contact us to request your copy.