
Charity - Lead Generation Whitepaper

Charity Lead Generation WhitepaperThe Challenge

Offline channels not performing on the same scale anymore. Need to seriously look into ramping up online spend, but use learnings from offline and justify budget with ROI.

The Solution (Synopsis)

Take a workshop type approach to crack the issue, detailing all the things that have worked well in the past and isolate the factors why direct marketing campaigns are underperforming. Allocate direct marketing test budget to measurable online media using return on investment (ROI) metrics rather than Cost per Acquistion (CPA). The intial contact with the donor prospect need not necessarily be a regular ask marketing message. Instead think about engaging the consumer to the point where they fully understand the charity and which in turn will reveal a sweet-spot to ask the consumer for a donation. In the online world, consumers expect to receive something when giving personal information. So make a promise to the consumer that you can keep then use the appropriate channels to conmunicate this to the consumer. A promise may be a brochure by direct mail or an online video/game by email. Once engagment is established, telephone the consumer to ask for a regular donation.

The full version of this report covers:

  • Building an internal business case for justifiable, measurable online spend
  • Blending online lead generation, online/direct mail fulfillment and telephone conversion into one campaign
  • Creating event/trigger based campaigns for more effective online marketing

If you are an advertiser in the Charity sector, please contact us to request your copy.