
Publishing - Lead Generation Whitepaper

Publishing Lead Generation WhitepaperThe Challenge

Need to increase subscriber base through trial subscription marketing without using freebies and instead focus on attracting people who are unlikely to cancel after the trial period expires.

The Solution (Synopsis)

Firstly, the customer database is analysed to reveal any skews in the profile. This profile illustrates the type of leads that should be targeted to acheive the lowest cost per acquisition (CPA). To boost the efficacy of the results, third-party transactional databases are overlayed. Using a multi-sourced intelligence approach a stronger profile is revealed allowing the targeting to be much more precise. To take full advantage these third party databases are integrated which means leads can be segmented in real-time and given different marketing offers according to their segment. Importantly, consumers found to have little intention to proceed beyond the free-trial period are screened out in this process.

The full version of this report covers:

  • Profiling and scoring your existing subscribers and new leads into low, medium and high value
  • Pricing of leads to correlate with the ROI they provide
  • Scaling up the lead generation campaign without loss of quality

If you are an advertiser in the Publishing sector, please contact us to request your copy.